Friday, March 21, 2008

Clip of modified images as appear in western media

As China is nearing its 2008 Beijing Olympics, there is an ever mounting slander from western news agencies. One of the issues is the suppression of Tibet(ans).

Similarly to Mother Teresa, Tibetan monks are portrayed as peaceful,kind and loving people, both are untrue. Mother Teresa was an outright fraught who took money that was supposed to go to building hospitals and used it to promote religion whereas the places where the sick and dying went were of the uttermost disgusting conditions. Tibetan monks don't want freedom, they want just the opposite.

Free Tibet? China did that in 1959.Until then, Tibetan monks owned serfs who worked the lands of the elite monks, were brutalized tortured as it seemed fit by the monks.

Now what gets the monks so worked up is they were ousted from their ruling class status, and now they want it back. China Olympics? Perfect time to assault the PR image of China.

Anyways, here's a video that everyone should see. The manipulation and lies exposed. When the case for the war on Iraq was being mounted by the media, most people bought it, few didn't - those few were ridiculed as being Anti-American. Very similar situation is happening here.

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